Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm Back

Yikes. I'm sorry about sort of disappearing for two weeks. I've been having a crazy life and I find that it takes a certain kind of motivation for me to blog.

So. What have I been doing for the past two weeks? Reading, of course! But you won't hear anything about books in this blog, so if you're curious to see and hear about what I've been reading, check out my other blog iRead. You can click on the link to it in the sidebar. >>

With only two days left of summer vacation, there's a lot I need to get done before school starts up. I have all of today to practice my cello, read whatever I want for hours on end, write, and/or draw. Then tomorrow I have to go to the school and get my school picture taken and get my ID and other little things. Then I'm going to walk around the school trying to memorize my school schedule. After that I'm hoping my mom won't be too tired and take me shopping for new clothes.

When I think about the last day of my freshmen year, I feel like I was just there, walking out of the school in the rain last week! And already on Wednesday I'll be a sophomore. Hopefully even with homework (which I have a feeling this year I'll have a lot) and musical practices I'll still find free time where I can write and read. I know already that I'll be drawing all day in my eighth hour 2D Design class. I'm excited.

I'll probably also be blogging less. Even less than I'm doing now. But if you just sit tight I'll make my way to posting at least every other week. :)

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