Saturday, August 14, 2010

Work Corner

What I find to be most important when I'm writing or drawing, is where I'm doing it. Your work corner is your comfort zone, your thinking space, your personal bubble. It's different for everyone.

Whether it's a cluttered desk, a bed, or some corner in your room, it's where the magic happens and where work gets done. For me, I prefer to draw in my bed, lying down. As for writing, I usually do that on the computer, but if I'm working with a pencil and a notebook, I can write just about anywhere. I don't use my desk a whole lot, or when I do, not for very long, as I tend to have horrible back pains and sitting in a metal chair isn't very fun.

I have a tendency to work on multiple things at the same time, especially when I'm in one of those moods and motivated to work on everything I've been putting off. For me, writing and drawing come hand in hand. I can't have one without the other. While I write in notebooks, I find myself doodling characters on the side. Though words come more fluent to me than drawing, I'm a very visual person and always need to be scribbling something while I work on a story.

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